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"World Poetry Today" (2025): Proposal Submission

Welcome to the proposal submission form of the EACL conference "World Poetry Today: Production, Translation, Reception (2025)"!

Please submit your proposal for:

1) an individual presentation (traditional or poster presentation);

2) a panel of 3-4 presentations.

The deadline for submission is October 30, 2024.

The presentation proposal should include bionotes of the presenters, topic of presentation, and an abstract (200-300 words). The panel proposal should include a brief description of the panel (100-200 words), the names and bionotes of the convenors and the abstracts and bionotes of the panelists. The working language of the conference is English, poster presentations are welcome also in Spanish, French, German and Estonian.

Acceptance notices will be sent by January 15, 2025.

Contact info

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Abstract info

(This question is mandatory)
Type of presentation
(This question is mandatory)
Title of your presentation or panel
(This question is mandatory)
The length of the abstract should be max. 300 words. For a panel proposal, please write the panel description (100-200 words) as well as all of the panelists' abstracts here.
(This question is mandatory)
Bionote(s) of presenter(s)
The bionote should be about 100 words. For a panel proposal, please write the names and bionotes of all panelists and convenors here.