Load unfinished survey Resume later default Caution: JavaScript execution is disabled in your browser or for this website. You may not be able to answer all questions in this survey. Please, verify your browser parameters. Supervisor feedback Please give feedback about the trainee and his/her traineeship. This feedback will be sent to the internship coordinator at UT Skytte Institute who will forward the relevant feedback also to the student (trainee). (This question is mandatory) Name and e-mail address of the supervisor (This question is mandatory) Company / organization / internship placement (name) (This question is mandatory) Student's first and last name (This question is mandatory) Internship period (dates) and workload (number of working hours in total) (This question is mandatory) Please describe very shortly the main tasks of the trainee and give feedback on the trainee's performance (This question is mandatory) General skills Assessment of the student Excellent Very good Good Poor Very poor Critical thinking Excellent Very good Good Poor Very poor Self-expression and communication skills Excellent Very good Good Poor Very poor Teamwork skills Excellent Very good Good Poor Very poor Ability to plan time Excellent Very good Good Poor Very poor Problem solving skills Excellent Very good Good Poor Very poor (This question is mandatory) Specialty knowledge Assessment of the student Excellent Very good Good Poor Very poor Knowledge of professional terminology Excellent Very good Good Poor Very poor Specific professional knowledge Excellent Very good Good Poor Very poor Computer / software skills Excellent Very good Good Poor Very poor (This question is mandatory) Personal characteristics Assessment of the student Excellent Very good Good Poor Very poor Initiative Excellent Very good Good Poor Very poor Responsibility Excellent Very good Good Poor Very poor Learning and analytical skills Excellent Very good Good Poor Very poor Punctuality Excellent Very good Good Poor Very poor Reliability Excellent Very good Good Poor Very poor (This question is mandatory) Please point out two positive skills where the student is very good and two skills where the student can improve. Please justify your assessment (This question is mandatory) Would your company / organisation be ready to host another trainee/intern from UT Skytte Institute in the future? If you wish to, please make suggestions how Skytte Institute could still further develop the internship process Submit Load unfinished survey Resume later Please confirm you want to clear your response? Exit and clear survey